
English translations:

26 steps (by Yorick Schmit)

Confinement (by Giulio-Enrico Pisani)

Corona Trilogy (by Goetz von Thadden)

Covid-19 (by Giulio-Enrico Pisani)

Fool’s Game (by Sandra Schmit)

Homo Corona (by Sandra Schmit)

Human rights, article 13 – Fuck it. A poem (by Sandra Schmit)

Just asking (by Sandra Schmit)

Media the Prudent (by Pascale Ponsart)

Solidarity (by Sandra Schmit)

Such a cute little corona-top (by Sandra Schmit)

The One and the Other (by Sandra Schmit)

Toilet paper hoarding experts (by Josiane Kartheiser)

Victims of Corona – the latest figures. A poem (by Sandra Schmit)

Virus Wars – On All Fours! (by Nico Helminger)

Who am I? (by Jeff Gilniat)

German translations:

Coronaopfer – die neuesten Zahlen. Ein Gedicht (by Sandra Schmit)

Menschenrechte, Artikel 13 – Scheiß drauf. Ein Gedicht (by Sandra Schmit)

Mut. Eine Hymne (by Sandra Schmit)

Luxembourgish translations:

Paradäis – net verluer (by Sandra Schmit)